Swamiye saranam ayyappa pictures
Swamiye saranam ayyappa pictures

swamiye saranam ayyappa pictures

The swamy's out of their sheer love and devotion towards the lord extend a little bit timing in bhajans which will make it a little bit late, but it should not be too late where the hunger totally subsides and it is beyond the acceptable timings.Sometimes it is a testing sort of thing whether the swamy's are able to overcome the thought of hunger while they are participating in swamy puja. Whenever some swamy is arranging for puja at his home, he needs to take care about this aspect.

swamiye saranam ayyappa pictures

No swamy has the right to disturb the schedule of any other swamy as well the progress of their deeksha, rather they need to follow the rules of deeksha and offer bhiksha at the right time helping other swamy's as well themselves.The good time for the afternoon bhiksha is between 12:00 pm noon to 2:00 pm and the night time bhiksha(alpahaaram) is between 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. C) Yes, the swamy's need to maintain the timings for the intake of bhiksha (food) and also offering the bhiksha (food) to other swamy's.

Swamiye saranam ayyappa pictures