That can make fixing it a little tricky, but it’s still achievable if you know what to try. The problem is that the 429 error most often affects your login page, which can make it impossible for you to access your website’s dashboard. In other situations, such as those caused by issues with a plugin or Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, you’ll need to be proactive in order to resolve the error. Sometimes, the problem can go away on its own. Regardless of how the error appears, it always means the same thing – there’s a user or a snippet of code that’s overwhelming your server with too many requests. I only allow 50 requests per hour to this website per logged in user. Here’s an example of what that might look like: HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests The error may also include additional details regarding the reason for the 429 status code, and how long the user must wait before attempting to log in again. So there are a variety of situations that can result in you seeing an error like one of these:

Requests may also be counted on a per-request basis, across your server, or across several servers. However, your server may also identify users with cookies, rather than by their login credentials. The most common example of this is when a user (or an attacker) repeatedly tries to log into your site. In some cases, when your server detects that a user agent is trying to access a specific page too often in a short period of time, it triggers a rate-limiting feature. What Causes the HTTP 429 Too Many Requests Error

Check Out Our Video Guide to the 429 Too Many Requests Error The 429 status code is intended for use with rate-limiting schemes. The HTTP 429 error is returned when a user has sent too many requests within a short period of time.